Classic Paris

When visiting Paris, you’ll want to take in the city’s history, its culture, and the famous Parisian lifestyle. This is my aim when I take you by the hand to help you discover my city. Place Vendôme

There are some parts of Paris that you absolutely don’t want to miss, as they have earned their reputation: Saint-Germain, Montmartre, a walk along the banks of the Seine between Quai de la Râpée and Quai Branly.

And it would be a shame not to go and feast your eyes on the Eiffel Tower or Les Invalides!

That’s why the tours I offer are always very flexible and adapted to your preferences, your interests, and sometimes even Mother Nature’s whims. The Latin Quarter, Montmartre, Saint-Germain-des-Prés.

I also offer a tour of the Le Marais district. That might seem a little odd, but I’ve noticed that tourists often don’t visit it “properly”; they tend to keep to the main streets where the other tourists are. And yet, hidden away in this district are a great many sumptuous private mansions and fantastic courtyards.

Feel free to email me if you have questions, suggestions, or if you simply want to have a chat with me before booking a tour. I’ll be more than happy to oblige!

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